Share The Love

Share The Love - Children
We share the love through food by donating to food banks in our Illinois community and by taking care of an orphanage in Nigeria that houses 17 children – we take care of feeding, rent and school fees. All this has been made possible because of your support. Thank you.

Share The Love - Planet
Food is something we all need, everyone must eat. There have been a lot of food shortages due to drought, climate changes or unrest. Since food is something we all have in common; food solutions require a global effort which is why Iya Foods has an integrated supply chain focused on supporting sustainable farming practices and innovation centered around diversified ingredients. Sustainable farming practices and soil stewardship are passions we share with the farmers we work with to enable a continuous supply of quality nutrient-rich ingredients. When you buy from us, you help us support small community farms joining the fight to save the planet through sustainable farming.

Share The Love - Farmer
Getting good food to our customers’ table requires a committed continuous effort that usually starts with farmers. At Iya we recognize how important farmers are so one of our values is ‘Shared Prosperity & Integrity of Purpose’. What we mean by this is that we share our successes with farmers we work with in West Africa while working together to give our customers good food made with good farm grown ingredients.
Share The Love - Customer
None of what we do is possible without the customers that support our business. Iya commits to making good food with good ingredients.
You are our biggest Share The Love!
Thank you from all of us at Iya.